The only AI Training Kit that delivers

practical, real-world results across

your entire business & personal life

Video Training  Step-by-Step Real-World Examples Life Changing Results

* Early Bird Discount Applied

Watch the video below to claim your 75% discount!

Learn how to leverage the most powerful AI system ever built to completely transform your future

Start your AI Training today! Register today and discover a proven approach to implementing AI throughout your life

Feel free to drop us a message and we will reply by telephone, email, Zoom, or face-to-face.

Three hours of world-class AI training videos, (unlike anything you've seen before)

As you read these words, artificial intelligence is busy disrupting the world as we know it.

Microsoft, Amazon, Google, and others have invested billions into this new technology.

Their engineers have seen incredible improvements across day-to-day operations and the future is going to be absolutely ruthless. Put simply, ‘Business as Usual’ is officially dead.

Every business & employee will be impacted by AI software within the next 12 months.

Mastering AI right now is an absolute must.

But this is also the greatest money-making opportunity of all time. (AI hype is warranted!)

AI helps you outsmart, out-market, and outsell your most fierce business competitors.

But the opportunities don’t stop there – in fact, AI can also transform your personal life.

It can even advance your career AND help you become a more valuable employee.

This is a true ‘once-in-a-lifetime’ opportunity to claim your massive head-start!

It’s time for you to embrace change and learn new things …

The only truly effective AI training you need:

Our AI Training Toolkit contains over 3 hours of easy-to-understand AI video training, recorded from our recent live webinars. 

By the time you finish, you will have the knowledge, access, and raw potential to apply the world’s most powerful artificial intelligence systems directly into your lifestyle … 

As you read below, you will discover that AI can improve your life in HUNDREDS of ways.

It’s like having a super-smart friend (who always has your back). AI can be your personal advisor. Your business consultant. Your life coach and therapist. Your career counselor, your teacher and so much more …

But things are changing rapidly … and if you decide to ignore AI, then just know this …

Your competitors & fellow employees are already using artificial intelligence every day, (so you may not even have a choice). If you ignore AI  – you may get left behind …

Experience 3 hours of video training and
improve your skills in multiple disciplines!

Learn how AI technology can be applied throughout your
business and personal life. The possibilities are endless:


AI training spots are limited and the ‘Early Bird’ discount coupon is only a temporary promotion …

We know you will find the training extremely valuable, but this is the lowest price we can offer today.


Delivery: Secure Member Site
Length: 3+ hours total training
Format: Videos, PDF files, Q&A
Access: 12 months (unlimited)
Bonus: DFY discount coupons


Customer Service

Faster response times, higher standards for personalized & professional replies, 24/7 hour scalability and cost reduction, multilingual support and fully automated AI help desks and FAQ content distribution …

Marketing & Outreach

Automated AI chatbots for 24/7 customer engagement, ROI measurement, SEO and social media AI marketing, sentiment analysis, market segmentation & targeting, personalized advertising.

Financial Planning

Cash flow analysis, AI financial forecasting, personalized 24/7 financial advice, tax planning & prep, wealth management, algorithmic trading, retirement planning, spreadsheet formula automation & AI data entry …

Building Relationships

AI strategic partner profiling, contract analysis, partnership performance & sales tracking, collaboration tools, real-time communication, moderation & management of shared tasks, affiliate program upgrades.

Research & Analysis

In-depth competitor analysis, identifying new opportunities, trend identification, intelligent insights, AI data mining, risk assessment & management, optimization of both online & offline marketing campaigns.

Content Development

Automated content generation & personalization, AI editing & proofreading, content curation & recommendation, copyright violation detection, multimedia content creation, AI-based community moderation …

Reputation Management

Automated review analysis, AI generated PR replies, crisis management, 24/7 automated content moderation, audience segmentation, sentiment and competitor analysis, customer experience enhancement …

Education & Learning

AI teaching assistants & bots, personalized learning paths, interactive learning tools, 24/7 gamification of learning, skill gap identification, automated grading systems, research & PDF academic analysis …

Communication Skills

Improved clarity, fast replies, improved writing, automated reports, speech recognition, multilingual AI  translation, enhanced presentations, simplifying complex data, persuasive sales writing.

Recruitment & Careers

Resume screening & analysis, career path recommendation, chatbot interviews, remote collaboration tools, employee engagement tracking, skill gap analysis, onboarding process automation & streamlining …

Strategic Planning

Strategic goal setting, sales & marketing alignment, market segmentation, AI business forecasting, predictive data, supply chain management, business plans development, strategic partner outreach.

Creativity & Artwork

AI-assisted design, automated video creation, personalized content creation, generative art creation, art restoration, original music composition, logo & brand design, social media & offline print media.

PLUS: Learn how to create jaw-dropping AI artwork ...

Imagine being able to create an image within seconds – by simply telling an AI system exactly what you want. The images (left) are just some of the hundreds of artistic designs our team designed using AI.

These AI-generated images can be used commercially, or you can just play around for personal artistic & creative reasons. Could this unlimited artistic potential improve your social media marketing? How about new images for your website or offline brochures?

Watch our training videos and we will teach you how to generate these images live on camera. Learn about the latest creative tools, including superb video production systems that are reshaping the entire internet.

Attention Business Owners: AI will unlock your potential:

Why you should trust us ... and why
NOW is the perfect time to learn about AI.

Feel free to drop us a message and we will reply by telephone, email, Zoom, or face-to-face.

Unwanted change has arrived in 2023, and the risk of waiting has never been more real.

Our team understands how artificial intelligence is changing business and the workplace.

The future is uncertain, but we maintain an impressive track record of preparing people to combat change and take advantage of brand-new opportunities.

In 2017, we launched Australia’s #1 crypto & blockchain education service. We’ve taught tens of thousands of students & produced hundreds of live training webinars. (Our private community has now traded over $500 million through our custom-built trading platform).

We were the first to educate and now we want to give you the first-mover AI advantage.

Artificial intelligence is so much bigger than cryptocurrency & blockchain.

AI will overshadow everything before it. It has begun to affect every part of society and now we want you to trust us to take advantage of this opportunity. Join our AI training community and learn how to embrace the change.

Need more clarity?

The Kersai Team is ready to help you ...

Feel free to drop us a message and we will reply via telephone, email or even through a Zoom meeting.

Frequently Asked Questions

Please note that the packages above can be modified to your specific content requirements.  Contact us to discuss additional services and upgrade paths … 

What exactly are you selling here?

Join the Kersai training community and receive access to over 3 hours of high-quality video training on AI.

You will learn how to use the most popular free tools, and extend your skills in multiple ways. 

The video training content is sourced from our recent live training webinars and is continuously updated.

What is the cost of the AI training session?

The standard cost of our AI training toolkit is $297 USD through Paypal or via credit card (Stripe).

However, as an early bird, you’re eligible for a special discount coupon that will be automatically applied to your order, providing a significant reduction in price. (Please note that this offer is temporary and spots are strictly limited).

The knowledge and skills you gain from this training will not only be invaluable but will also stay with you for a lifetime.

We’re at the dawn of the AI era, with its implementation just beginning to sweep across workplaces globally. This training is your early mover advantage, your chance to stay ahead of the curve.

The value we provide in this training is worth thousands of dollars, considering the potential impact on your career and personal life.

Remember, time is money, but with AI, you can save both.

Who is this AI training for exactly?

This training is for everyone – office employees, college and university students, parents, teenagers, service industry workers, business owners, influencers, solo entrepreneurs, teachers, retirees, and anyone with a curiosity about AI. 

Our AI training reveals the transformative power of AI and is designed to give you new life skills.

What if I have no prior knowledge of AI?

Our AI video training is designed to cater to all levels of knowledge, including beginners. We break down complex concepts into easy-to-understand terms, so no prior knowledge of AI is required.

You don’t need a maths degree and we welcome people from all walks of life. AI has already started breaking down barriers internationally and can be implemented in everyone’s life!

When will I start seeing the benefits of this training?

The benefits of this training can be immediate, as you start applying what you learn to your work and personal life.

However, the full impact will be realized over time as you continue to apply and deepen your understanding of AI.

What topics will be covered in the AI training session?

Our AI awareness training provides practical, real-world examples of how AI and automation can be applied across various domains. The topics we cover include:

  1. Customer Service: Learn how AI can enhance customer interactions and satisfaction.
  2. Research & Analysis: Discover how AI can streamline data collection and analysis.
  3. Communication Skills: Understand how AI tools can improve your communication efficiency.
  4. Marketing & Outreach: Explore how AI can optimize your marketing strategies and outreach efforts.
  5. Content Development: See how AI can assist in creating engaging and relevant content.
  6. Recruitment & Careers: Find out how AI is transforming the recruitment process and shaping careers.
  7. Financial Planning: Learn how AI can aid in making sound financial decisions.
  8. Reputation Management: Understand how AI can help monitor and manage your online reputation.
  9. Strategic Planning: Discover how AI can contribute to effective strategic planning.
  10. Building Relationships: Learn how AI can help build and maintain strong relationships.
  11. Education & Learning: Explore how AI is revolutionizing education and learning processes.
  12. Creativity & Artwork: See how AI can be used to create stunning artwork and foster creativity.

The examples and discussion of these topics will equip you with the knowledge and skills to leverage AI in both your professional and personal life.

Where is this training conducted?

Our training is conducted online via live webinars, and if you purchase the AI Training Toolkit, you will have access to the full highlights from the webinar replay. 

How is your AI training different?

Our AI training stands out from the rest in several key ways:

  1. Practical, Real-World Examples: We don’t just teach theory. We provide real-world examples and case studies to help you understand how AI can be applied in various fields.

  2. Results Drive Training: Our webinar training is comprehensive and designed to produce real results in your life. This interactive format ensures a more effective learning experience. 

  3. Comprehensive Coverage: We cover a wide range of topics, from customer service and marketing to financial planning and creativity. This broad coverage ensures that you can apply AI in numerous ways to benefit your business and personal life.

  4. Value for Money: While the regular cost of our AI Training Toolkit is $297, the value you get is worth thousands of dollars. The skills and knowledge you gain from this training will stay with you for a lifetime, providing continuous returns on your investment. (Plus, you’re eligible for a steep early bird discount!)

  5. Early Mover Advantage: AI is just beginning to be implemented across workplaces globally. By participating in our training, you get an early mover advantage, equipping you with the skills to stay ahead of the curve.

What will I really get from this training?

You will gain a comprehensive understanding of how AI can be applied in various aspects of your professional and personal life. Here’s what you can expect:

  1. Practical Knowledge: You’ll learn practical AI applications that can be used to enhance customer service, streamline research and analysis, improve communication, optimize marketing and outreach, and more.

  2. Career Advancement: By understanding and leveraging AI, you can enhance your career prospects and become a more valuable employee or business owner.

  3. Financial Planning: You’ll learn how AI can aid in making sound financial decisions, helping you reach your financial goals more efficiently.

  4. Improved Productivity: With AI, you can automate routine tasks, freeing up your time to focus on more strategic initiatives. This can lead to increased productivity in your work and personal life.

  5. Creativity Boost: You’ll learn how AI can be used to create stunning artwork and foster creativity, which can be used for personal enjoyment or to enhance your marketing efforts.

  6. Life-Long Skills: The skills and knowledge you gain from this training will stay with you for a lifetime, providing continuous returns on your investment.

Remember, this training is not just about learning AI—it’s about understanding how to apply AI to improve your life and work. It’s about embracing the future and staying ahead of the curve.

Beyond the practical knowledge and skills, this training is designed to educate, entertain, and excite you about the possibilities of becoming ‘AI-enhanced’. We aim to demystify AI and show you how it can be a tool for empowerment rather than a threat. Instead of fearing job loss or replacement, you’ll gain confidence as the go-to person in your business who knows the most about AI.

Imagine the sense of assurance you’ll feel when you can calmly answer, ‘Yes, I know all about AI,’ when your boss, friends, or partners ask about it. This training will not only equip you with knowledge but also instill a sense of excitement about the future of AI and its potential to transform your work and life.

How do I know this is even real?

AI is not just a buzzword; it’s a reality that’s sweeping across the world. Major corporations are investing billions into AI technology, recognizing its potential to revolutionize industries and everyday life. While private educators, government, and traditional education sectors may take time to catch up, you have the opportunity to stay ahead of the curve with our AI training.

As for the authenticity of our video training, we have a proven track record. We’ve been hosting live webinars twice a week in the cryptocurrency and blockchain technology industry for several years. Our platform of choice is Zoom, a reliable and globally recognized video conferencing tool.

Our team is experienced in delivering engaging, informative, and entertaining content. We’re committed to providing a learning experience that is not just educational but also enjoyable.

So, rest assured, our AI training is as real as it gets. It’s your chance to dive into the world of AI and emerge with knowledge and skills that can set you apart in this rapidly evolving landscape.

By purchasing our AI Training Toolkit, you will get access to the very best content from our recent live AI training webinars. 

I'm still not sure - change my mind!

Change can often bring about a sense of apprehension, and it’s natural to have concerns about new technologies like AI. Media paranoia and academic concerns might have painted a picture of AI and robots taking over the world, but the reality is far from it.

The truth is, nothing is holding you back from integrating AI into your world. The benefits of embracing AI are numerous, and those who develop an ‘AI phobia’ risk being left behind. Remember when the internet, cloud computing, and word processors were new? There were similar concerns then, but these technologies are now integral parts of our lives.

AI is here now, and it’s not a question of if, but when everyone will need to adapt. If you’re worried about not understanding, let us reassure you. We have years of experience breaking down complex ideas into simple, actionable steps. Our AI awareness training is designed for beginners and those who want to learn more. You don’t need a maths degree or to be a computer whiz to understand and benefit from our training.

Who is to blame for this accelerated AI technology?

AI has indeed exploded into mainstream life at an unprecedented pace. While it’s tempting to look for someone to blame for the lack of preparation, the truth is, this technology has advanced so rapidly that it’s caught many sectors off guard. Governments, traditionally slow to adapt, have not been able to put adequate preparations in place in time.

As a result, private educators like Kersai are stepping up to fill the information vacuum and educate people about this transformative technology. It’s important to note that incumbent business owners facing disruption due to AI may attempt to slow its advancement across various sectors. Governments may try to regulate it heavily, and academics and the media may focus on extreme examples without highlighting the countless positive use cases that AI brings.

However, the reality is that AI is here, and it’s changing the world. The only person who can be blamed for not embracing AI is oneself. Choosing to ignore this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to learn about and leverage AI could mean missing out on its numerous benefits. So, we invite you to seize this opportunity and join us in exploring the exciting world of AI.

Why should I join TODAY?

Every so often, a technology emerges that fundamentally alters the fabric of society. Think of the internet, email, YouTube, video conferencing, word processors, and devices like the iPad. These innovations have transformed how we work, learn, communicate, and entertain ourselves.

Now, we’re at the precipice of another monumental shift, one that’s even more significant. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is set to be bigger than all these technologies combined. It represents the biggest opportunity of your life.

By getting into AI now, before it becomes ubiquitous, you can establish a foothold that can propel you forward rapidly. Whether it’s securing a better job, making your business more competitive, becoming a more informed parent, or building stronger relationships, AI has the potential to enhance every aspect of your life.

AI is the most empowering technology humans have ever created. Those who embrace it now will be at the forefront of this new era, while those who wait risk being ruthlessly left behind. The question isn’t ‘Why now?’ but rather ‘Why wait?’

Why should I trust you?

Your trust is important to us, and we understand the need for credibility when it comes to education. Kersai is a fully regulated Australian education company. Our team has taught tens of thousands of people since 2017.

Our expertise lies in taking complex technology and breaking it down into actionable ideas that anyone can understand and apply.

Over the past six years, we’ve taught cryptocurrency, blockchain, and online trading education through live webinars, becoming experts in delivering engaging and informative online sessions.

Our team operates from Australia and the United States (Portland), with our full-stack tech team based in Sri Lanka. We also have partners throughout Europe and provide education across Southeast Asia.

If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to contact us. Our team stands ready to assist you. We’re committed to providing you with the knowledge and skills you need to navigate the exciting world of AI.

How does it work?

Purchasing our AI Training Toolkit is a straightforward process. Here’s how it works:

  1. Payment: You first make a payment through our secure shopping cart system. We accept PayPal and credit cards via Stripe. As an early bird, you’re eligible for a significant discount.

  2. Confirmation: Once payment is made, you’ll be directed to a thank you page with additional details about your membership access.

  3. Membership Area: You’ll receive login details to our private membership area where you can access recent webinar replay content, resources, and training support material.

  4. Email Communication: Our system will send you a series of emails, including an invoice (our training service is tax-deductible), a welcome message, and access to our training community.

  5. Training Content: You can log into our membership area and watch the training content at your own pace.

  6. Support: If you have any questions or need assistance at any point, you can contact us. Our team is here to support you throughout your AI learning journey.

Can I buy the AI Training Toolkit if I'm outside Australia?

Yes, our AI video training is conducted online, and our webinar replays are stored inside a private membership website. You can attend from anywhere in the world. 

Who will be conducting the training?

AI awareness training sessions are taught by Johnathan Regan, Asitha Koralage, and Robert Hoyt. (We may have surprise guests and our CTO may also pop in to say hello)

Our team will educate you, excite you and entertain you in ways you’ve never experienced. You will also learn new skills that will entirely transform your life. AI is worth the hype!

AI Training Toolkit video content is sourced from our live webinars, taught by the same individuals.

What support will I receive after the training?

Once you become a member of our private training community, you will be able to access replay content, resources, and support material. Our team is also available to answer any questions you may have.

We have a variety of “Done for you” services, live training and advanced AI classes as well for specific use-case scenarios. 

How do I get started?

Getting started with our AI training is simple and straightforward. Here’s how:

  1. Order Link: Click on the order link to make your payment. As an early bird, you’re eligible for a discount, which will be automatically applied to your order, providing a significant reduction in price.

  2. Payment: After making the payment, you’ll receive further information about the training.

  3. Log into the membership system: You can access our private training community 24/7 and view the video replay content.

What do I have to lose?

Deciding not to embrace AI at this stage could mean missing out on a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to gain a significant advantage in your professional life.

As AI continues to transform industries and workplaces, those who understand and can leverage this technology will have a distinct edge over those who don’t.

Without sounding alarmist, the reality is that jobs and businesses that don’t adapt to incorporate AI could be at risk. AI is not just a tool for efficiency; it’s becoming a necessity for staying competitive in many sectors.

Moreover, without the aid of AI, you’re likely to continue facing challenges in decision-making, efficiency, and cost management. AI can help you make better decisions, streamline operations, increase sales, and reduce costs. It can help you solve problems more effectively and free up your time to focus on strategic initiatives.

In essence, the cost of not embracing AI is not just about potential losses, but also about the missed opportunities for growth and improvement. The opportunity cost of not using AI is immense and unprecedented. So, the question isn’t so much ‘What do you have to lose?’ but rather ‘What do you stand to gain?’

How can I contact you if I have more questions?

You can contact us through the contact form on our website, or via email. Our team is here to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have.

Unlock The Potential Of Your Business

Message us below and we will get back to you within 24 hours :)

[email protected]

Asitha Koralage (Australia):
+61 422 421 750

Robert Hoyt (United States):
+1 971 645 2947

Kersai Pty Ltd
Level 15, Suite 1,
Corporate Centre One,
2 Corporate Court, Bundall

Corporate Centre One

Unlock The Potential Of Your Business

Message us below and we will get back to you within 24 hours :)

[email protected]

Asitha Koralage (Australia):
+61 422 421 750

Robert Hoyt (United States):
+1 971 645 2947

Kersai Pty Ltd
Level 15, Suite 1,
Corporate Centre One,
2 Corporate Court, Bundall

Corporate Centre One

Unlock The Potential Of Your Business

Message us below and we will get back to you within 24 hours :)

[email protected]

Asitha Koralage (Australia):
+61 422 421 750

Robert Hoyt (United States):
+1 971 645 2947

Kersai Pty Ltd
Level 15, Suite 1,
Corporate Centre One,
2 Corporate Court, Bundall

Corporate Centre One

Unlock The Potential Of Your Business

Message us below and we will get back to you within 24 hours :)

[email protected]

Asitha Koralage (Australia):
+61 422 421 750

Robert Hoyt (United States):
+1 971 645 2947

Kersai Pty Ltd
Level 15, Suite 1,
Corporate Centre One,
2 Corporate Court, Bundall

Corporate Centre One

Unlock The Potential Of Your Business

Message us below and we will get back to you within 24 hours :)

[email protected]

Asitha Koralage (Australia):
+61 422 421 750

Robert Hoyt (United States):
+1 971 645 2947

Kersai Pty Ltd
Level 15, Suite 1,
Corporate Centre One,
2 Corporate Court, Bundall

Corporate Centre One

Unlock The Potential Of Your Business

Message us below and we will get back to you within 24 hours :)

[email protected]

Asitha Koralage (Australia):
+61 422 421 750

Robert Hoyt (United States):
+1 971 645 2947

Kersai Pty Ltd
Level 15, Suite 1,
Corporate Centre One,
2 Corporate Court, Bundall

Corporate Centre One

Unlock The Potential Of Your Business

Message us below and we will get back to you within 24 hours :)

[email protected]

Asitha Koralage (Australia):
+61 422 421 750

Robert Hoyt (United States):
+1 971 645 2947

Kersai Pty Ltd
Level 15, Suite 1,
Corporate Centre One,
2 Corporate Court, Bundall

Corporate Centre One

Unlock The Potential Of Your Business

Message us below and we will get back to you within 24 hours :)

[email protected]

Asitha Koralage (Australia):
+61 422 421 750

Robert Hoyt (United States):
+1 971 645 2947

Kersai Pty Ltd
Level 15, Suite 1,
Corporate Centre One,
2 Corporate Court, Bundall

Corporate Centre One

Unlock The Potential Of Your Business

Message us below and we will get back to you within 24 hours :)

[email protected]

Asitha Koralage (Australia):
+61 422 421 750

Robert Hoyt (United States):
+1 971 645 2947

Kersai Pty Ltd
Level 15, Suite 1,
Corporate Centre One,
2 Corporate Court, Bundall

Corporate Centre One

Unlock The Potential Of Your Business

Message us below and we will get back to you within 24 hours :)

[email protected]

Asitha Koralage (Australia):
+61 422 421 750

Robert Hoyt (United States):
+1 971 645 2947

Kersai Pty Ltd
Level 15, Suite 1,
Corporate Centre One,
2 Corporate Court, Bundall

Corporate Centre One

Unlock The Potential Of Your Business

Message us below and we will get back to you within 24 hours :)

[email protected]

Asitha Koralage (Australia):
+61 422 421 750

Robert Hoyt (United States):
+1 971 645 2947

Kersai Pty Ltd
Level 15, Suite 1,
Corporate Centre One,
2 Corporate Court, Bundall

Corporate Centre One

Unlock Your True Business Potential

Message us below and we will get back to you within 24 hours :)

[email protected]

PHONE CONTACTS: Asitha Koralage (Australia): +61 422 421 750 Robert Hoyt (United States): +1 971 645 2947

Kersai Pty Ltd
Level 15, Suite 1,
Corporate Centre One,
2 Corporate Court, Bundall

Corporate Centre One

Unlock Your True Business Potential

Message us below and we will get back to you within 24 hours :)

[email protected]

PHONE CONTACTS: Asitha Koralage (Australia): +61 422 421 750 Robert Hoyt (United States): +1 971 645 2947

Kersai Pty Ltd
Level 15, Suite 1,
Corporate Centre One,
2 Corporate Court, Bundall

Corporate Centre One